44 “brazil” recipes
- Apple brazil nut squares
- Apple brazil nut squares *
- Arroz brasileiro (rice with tomatoes and onion) (brazil)
- Arroz brasileiro (rice with tomatoes and onions) (brazil)
- Brazil & bulgar wheat burgers
- Brazil & cashew nut roast with chestnut stu
- Brazil & cashew nut roast with chestnut stuff
- Brazil & cashew nut roast with chestnut stuffing
- Brazil and bulgar wheat burgers
- Brazil and cashew nut roast with chestnut stuffing
- Brazil nut & rice stuffed green bell peppers
- Brazil nut and cocoa parfait pt 1
- Brazil nut and cocoa parfait pt 2
- Brazil nut and cocoa parfait pt 3
- Brazil nut bark
- Brazil nut bread pudding
- Brazil nut delights
- Brazil nut mousse
- Brazil nut spice cake
- Brazil nut tea cakes
- Brazil nut torte
- Brazil nut-butterscotch brownie
- Brazil-nut date cake
- Buttered brazil nuts
- Calabaza mojo soup with toasted brazil nuts
- Couve a mineira (shredded kale greens) (brazil)
- Crema de abacate (cream of avocado dessert) (brazil)
- Farofa de manteiga (toasted manioc meal) (brazil)
- Farofa de ovo (toasted manioc meal with egg) (brazil)
- Feijoada (meat stew with black beans -- brazil)
- Feijoada (stew with black beans) (brazil)
- Feijoada completa (brazil)
- Molho de pimenta e limao (pepper and lemon sauce) (brazil
- Mungunza (hominy and coconut milk pudding) (brazil)
- Orange & brazil nut loaf
- Orange and brazil nut loaf
- Orange brazil nut tart
- Pato com molho de limao (duck with lime sauce - brazil)
- Pudim de abobora (pumpkin pudding) (brazil)
- Quindins de yaya (coconut cupcakes) (brazil)
- Salad of charred brazil nuts and walnuts with avocado and a
- Salsa satanica (satan's seafood sauce- brazil)
- Torta de castanha do para (brazil nut cake)
- Wild and brown rice salad with roasted brazil nuts