28 “tunisian” recipes
- Bejma (tunisian hallah)
- Braised cod with tunisian spices
- Harissa (tunisian chili sauce)
- Leb lebi (tunisian chickpea stew)
- Masfouf de tunis (tunisian sweet snack)
- Matthew kenney's tunisian chili-crusted beef
- Mergeza spicy and hot tunisian lamb sausage
- Meshwiya (tunisian)
- Qalat dagga (tunisian five spices)
- Tabil (tunisian spice)
- Tunisian aromatic fish soup with potatoes
- Tunisian bell pepper, tomato, tuna and egg salad
- Tunisian couscous stew
- Tunisian couscous with greens
- Tunisian eggplant salad
- Tunisian five spices
- Tunisian five spices (qalat daqqa)
- Tunisian five-spice powder
- Tunisian garbanzos and swiss chard
- Tunisian harissa
- Tunisian marinaded flank steak
- Tunisian pasta salad
- Tunisian snapper
- Tunisian sweet and hot pepper tomato relish
- Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils (katzen)
- Tunisian tuna and egg salad
- Tunisian turkey burgers with chick pea mayonnaise
- Tunisian-style carrots