Ail ou echalotes confits (garlic or shallots in duck fat)

6 Servings


Quantity Ingredient
12 Shallots
2 cups Graisse de canard (rendered duck fat)
1 teaspoon Quatre epices (5 spices)
¼ teaspoon Pepper, Black, ground


1. Peel the garlic and cut off any green sprouts within. If using shallots, cut off both ends before peeling. Heat the duck fat in a small saucepan over medium flame.

2. When the fat is warm, add the garlic or shallots, the quatre epices, and the ground pepper. Cook until they are soft, about 20 minutes for the garlic and 30 minutes for the shallots.

3. Remove them from the fat with a slotted spoon and cool on paper towels.

If they are not used immediately, they can be refrigerated in a small container for several days. Do not cover them with fat. Yield - 6 servings as a garnish.

[ Per serving: 30 calories, 0 g. protein, 2 g. carbohydrate, 2 g. fat, 2 mg. cholesterol, o mg. sodium. Calories from fat: 57% ] [ Original recipe from "Foie Gras, Magret And Other Good Food From Gascony." Authors: Andre Daguin and Anne de Ravel. Downloaded from Food & Wine Round Table of GEnie. ]

[ CompuChef conversion and nutritional analysis by Rick Weissgerber. ] File

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