Types of cream

1 Servings


Quantity Ingredient
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Creams vary in their fat content, which is why some are richer than others.

In order to whip successfully, cream must have a fat content of at least 35%.

Half Cream and single cream have a minimum fate content of 12% and 18%.

They are ideal pouring creams.

Soured Cream has the same fat content as single cream. Its flavour results from incubating cream with a harmless bacterial and culture to turn it slightly acid.

Creme Fraiche is Double Cream which has been fermented under controlled conditions long enough to have a lactic taste which is neither sweet nor sour.

Spooning Cream is homogenised cream, suitable for pouring or adding to coffee. It has the same fat content as whipping cream.

Whipping Cream has a fat content of at least 35% and will whip to at least double its volume. it is good for folding into mousses.

Double Cream has a fat content of 48%. It will whip to slightly less volume than whipping cream, but adding 1tbsp. milk for every 5 fl. oz. cream will help it achieve greater volume. It is good for piping and cake fillings.

Clotted Cream has a fat content of 55%. It has a slightly nutty flavour and a thick consistency, but cannot be whipped.

UHT Cream is available as half, single, whipping and double. It will keep unopened for 2-4 months depending on its fat content.

Aerosol Cream is heat-treated cream which may contain up to 13% added sugar, stabilisers and a propellant to make it flow from its container. it is very light textured but loses its volume quickly.

Frozen Cream is fresh cream which has been frozen atvery low temperatures.

it is available as single, double, whipped and clotted.

Sterilised Cream is in cans and has been heat-treated and homogeneised. The sterilisation process gives it a distinc caramel flavour. it will not whip.

Extended Life Cream is packed in vacuum-sealed bottles and keeps in the refrigerator, unopened 2-3 weeks. it is spoonable double cream and can be whipped.

Recipe by: The Good House Keeping Cookery Book-Ebury Press-London Posted to EAT-L Digest by Jazzbel <jazzbel@...> on Feb 16, 1998

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