Ancient roman: fish stewed in wine or bouillabaisse

1 servings


Quantity Ingredient
\"Pisces Oenoteganon\"
1 cup Chopped onions
3 larges Seeded tomatoes, chopped
8 smalls Cloves garlic, pounded
1 Bouquet garni (1 sprig fresh fennel, 3 sprigs bruised parsley, 1 sprig thyme and 1 bay leaf)
1 1\" piece orange peel
2 pounds To 3 lb fresh fish and shellfish, such as shrimp, mussels, clams, hake, sole, turbot, trout, squid, etc., cut into bite-sized pieces- almost any combo will work
1 pinch Saffron
1 cup White wine
½ cup To 1 c good-quality extra- virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste
10 Thick slices toasted French baguette


Apicius's original recipe, translated by J.D. Vehling: Raw fish, any kind you prefer, wash, arrange in a saucepan; add oil, broth, vinegar, a bunch of leeks and [fresh] coriander and cook: [meanwhile] crush pepper, origany, lovage with the bunches of leeks and coriander which you have cooked and pour into the saucepan. Bring the residue in the saucepan to a boiling point, allow it to reduce slowly to the right consistency. Sprinkle with pepper and serve.

Modern version: Put onions, tomatoes, garlic, garni and orange peel in the bottom of a large covered casserole. Add the fish, putting the firmer-fleshed kind on the bottom and the shellfish on the top. Add the pinch of saffron and pour over the olive oil and wine. Cover and bring to a brisk boil for no more than 15 minutes, checking every few minutes for doneness. Place slices of baguette on a large platter.

Place the fish on top of the bread and arrange the shellfish around the outside. Pour half the fish stock over the fish and bread.

Reserve on ladle of stock for each guest's bowl.

Per serving: 582 calories, 48 g protein, 30 g carbohydrates, 27 g fat, 5 g saturated fat, 231 mg cholesterol, 644 mg sodium.

Source: Kurt A. Nones, "The Oldest Living Cookbook," The Washington Post FOOD Section, 9/14/94. Typed by Linda Howard.

From: Linda Howard Date: 09-15-94

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