Designs you knead for special occasions

4 Servings


Quantity Ingredient
2 cups Flour
1 cup Salt
1 cup Cold water



Combine ingredients and knead to a medium-stiff, smooth dough. To add color, work drops of food coloring until the desired shade is achieved.

Store any unused dough in plastic bags in the refrigerator for the next projects. Roll out dough to ¼ inch thick and use cookie cutters for designs. Bake designs in warm oven (350) for 1-2 hours or until hard to the touch. Melt paraffin, in bowl placed in a pan of boiling water. Using slotted spatula or spoon, dip each design into the melted paraffin.

Transfer to wire rack or newspaper.

IDEAS: Dough pressed through a garlic press makes grass, noodles.

Rolling strings of various colored dough together, then following flat gives a multi-colored marbled effect.

Wrapping a firm ball of aluminum foil with dough gives a firm base for a ball, pumpkin, jack-o-lantern.

Acrylic paints can be used for decorating.

10 inch bamboo skewers are great for plant ornaments.

busted by sooz

Recipe by: Key Gourmet

Posted to recipelu-digest by sooz <kirkland@...> on Mar 20, 1998

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