Fish pie with a sweet and savoury rosti topping

Yield: 2 servings

Measure Ingredient
200 grams Potatoes
200 grams Sweet potatoes; (orange variety)
1 tablespoon Sunflower oil
3 \N Peppercorns
1 \N Onion slice
1 \N Bay leaf
2 ounces Butter; 2oz flour
300 millilitres Milk
150 millilitres Single cream
\N \N A small bunch of parsley
25 grams Parmesan; grated
2 \N Eggs
225 grams Mixture of salmon fillet and cod fillet
100 grams Smoked haddock; undyed
2 \N Tomatoes
4 larges Peeled prawns





1 Mix the milk with the peppercorns, onion slice and bay leaf and pour into a round microwave-proof pie dish. Microwave for one minute, until hot.

2 Cut the smoked haddock, salmon and cod fillets into 2.5cm/1" dice and place in the pie dish.

3 Cover the dish with microwave-proof clingfilm and pierce several times.

Microwave for 2-3 minutes until the fish is cooked.

4 Put the eggs in a small pan of water and boil for 10 minutes until hard boiled. Grate the potatoes onto a clean tea towel and squeeze out any liquid. Season well with salt and pepper. Remove the fish from the microwave, peel back the clingfilm and strain the milk into a heat proof jug.

5 Discard the peppercorns, onion and bay leaf. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan. Press the potato into the pan and cook each side for 4-5 minutes until golden.

6 For the Sauce: Melt the butter in a pan with the flour, allowing it to cook for a minute. Gradually add the milk and cream, stirring continuously until you have a smooth sauce. Turn down to a gentle heat to keep warm.

7 Finely chop the parsley and add to the sauce with the Parmesan. Season with salt and pepper. Turn the rosti over. Drain the eggs and run under cold water, peel and cut into quarters.

8 To Assemble the Pie: Place the fish in the bottom of the pie dish and cover with the egg. Stir the prawns into the sauce and pour over the pie.

Microwave for two minutes until hot.

9 Cut the lemon and tomato garnish. Remove the rosti from the pan and drain on kitchen paper.

10 Remove the pie from the microwave and place a serving on a plate. Place the rosti on top and add the lemon and tomato garnish before serving.

Converted by MC_Buster.

Recipe by: Can't Cook Won't Cook Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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