Fish with eggplant and chiles

1 Servings


Quantity Ingredient
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Try this...but read it through first, bitte...: Take an eggplant and wash it (or not...really doesn't matter at this stage). Bake it in the oven (abt. 400+ degrees F), under foil/lid/etc., until soft, but not mush/moosh(?). Do *not* burn.

Take the eggplant out of the oven. Peel (probably want to let it cool unless you've asbestos hands like I...). Save the guts/meat.

Roast a couple of red bell peppers while the eggplant is baking. Peel them (bells) and cut into nice strips (no particular size).

Roast a couple of your favorite chiles. Peel those puppies as well. can add chile powder(s), dried, whatever, in the next step.

Saute' the eggplant guts, the roasted red bells, and the chiles in a little olive oil. Stir about to "mix" it. Really need to only heat it through.

Season as desired with salt, pepper; can add oregano and/or thyme. Cumin would probably work well. S & P is usu. good enough by themselves.

Grill a nice piece of flounder, maybe mahimahi/dolphin, to desired doneness. OR you can sear the fish in a saute' pan (olive oil) and then roast it in the oven until done. Season it with salt and pepper before cooking.

'Sokay...take some balsamic vinegar and reduce it by half. How much you need to reduce depends upon how many servings you are making (of this recipe), but basically, you need about 2 teaspoons + per order (of the reduced vin.), and thus need to reduce about double that PER serving. To be simple, reduce a cup of balsamic. To reduce: bring the vinegar to a boil in a stockpot; reduce heat to a simmer. When reduced by ½ it's volume, take it off the heat and cool. It will thicken upon cooling. Looks sorta like super black molasses. It's very sweet. It'll keep in the fridge until the next century...I think.'ve the eggplant/pepper/chile saute', the fish cooked, and the balsamic reduction. Groovy. Place a small mount of the saute' in the center of a plate (it should be hot, btw...). Place the cooked (and hot..) fish on top of that. Drizzle a small amount (2 tsp.) over the fish/saute'. If you wanna get fancy, do the little plate decorating thing where your guests will have to mop the plate with their fish and such. Charge 'em 20 bucks and send 'em home. If you're really into fancy "food", deep fry a sprig of fresh oregano for each serving and lay that bad boy on top.

Whoooo-eee...special, neh?

Btw...that basamic reduction works nicely in many things. Rice, soups, etc.

Gives things a sweetness as well as a little "wang"....

Of course (I believe JBenz mentioned this as well...) the best way to eat eggplant is to bread it in a nice chilehead kinda breading and deep fry them babies. Then again, you can pretty much bread and deepfry anything and it'll taste good. 'Tis all in the seasoning....

As fer eggplant parm, I prefer to bread/fry each piece as Judy H. (and others) does, 'cause ya get more of the breading, more oil, more FAT, more FLAVOR....hehehe....oh, to roll in lard...luv it, luv it.....Dorthy?...Toto? shoes!...sorry....I'm drifting...

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles....... Posted to CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V4 #038 by Innagaddadavida <rael64@...> on Jul 24, 1997

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