Gravlax with dill mayonnaise

4 servings


Quantity Ingredient
2 tablespoons Whole coriander seeds
¼ cup Coarse salt
¼ cup Cracked black peppercorns
cup Granulated sugar
2 pounds Skinless salmon fillet
1 bunch Fresh dill
Dill Mayonnaise; see * Note
Thinly-sliced black bread


* Note: See the "Dill Mayonnaise" recipe which is included in this collection.

Cook coriander seeds in a small dry saute pan just until the aroma is released. Crush seeds using the bottom of a heavy pot or a mortar and pestle. Mix seeds with salt, pepper, and sugar in a small bowl and reserve.

Slice salmon in half across width and lay pieces side by side on counter, flesh-side up. Divide dry spice mixture in half and sprinkle one half over both pieces. Place half the dill sprigs on 1 piece of salmon and top with remaining piece of salmon to enclose the spices and herbs, as if making a sandwich. (Make the sandwich even by placing the thick end of salmon of top of thin end.) Evenly coat outside of salmon sandwich with remaining spices and dill. Tightly wrap in 2 layers of plastic wrap, place in a shallow baking dish, and top with weights (canned goods or milk cartons are good).

Refrigerate 3 days, turning over every 12 hours. To serve, scrape off spices and dill. Slice thinly and serve cold with Dill Mayonnaise and thinly-sliced black bread. This recipe yields 4 to 6 servings.

Recipe Source: TOO HOT TAMALES WORLD TOUR with Susan Feniger and Mary Sue Milliken From the TV FOOD NETWORK - (Show # WT-1B05 broadcast 02-03-1998) Downloaded from their Web-Site - Formatted for MasterCook by Joe Comiskey, aka MR MAD - jpmd44a@...

~or- MAD-SQUAD@...


Recipe by: Susan Feniger and Mary Sue Milliken Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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