Hot cross buns and chocolate nests

1 servings


Quantity Ingredient
450 grams Strong white bread flour; (1lb)
1 Sachet easy bake yeast
1 teaspoon Salt
25 grams Soft brown sugar; (1oz)
2 teaspoons Mixed spice
25 grams Lard or butter; (1oz)
25 grams Currants; (1oz)
25 grams Sultanas; (1oz)
1 medium Egg
200 millilitres Warm milk and water mixed; (7fl oz)
50 grams Plain white flour; (2oz)
55 millilitres Cold water; (2fl oz)
2 tablespoons Granulated sugar
2 tablespoons Water




Sift the flour in to a roomy bowl. Add the dry yeast, salt, sugar and spice. Rub in the lard (or butter).

Now beat the egg in a measuring jug then add to it enough of the warm milk and water mixure to make about 225ml (8fl oz). Stir the warm liquid into the dry ingredietns. Stir and mix until the dough comes together as a soft mixture. You may need to add a little more warm water.

Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured surface and knead for about 6-7 minutes until smooth and pliable, add the fruit at this point. Leave the dough covered for about 5 minutes to rest.

Divide the dough into equal sized pieces about 75g (3oz) each. Shape into buns. Place on greased baking sheets. Leave lightly covered in a warm place to rise. In 45 minutes or up to an hour they should have doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to moderately hot 200?C/400?F/gas mark 6.

While the oven is heating up mix the batter for the crosses. The consistency should be like thick cream. Spoon this mixutre into a paper piping bag (or into one corner of a plastic freezer bag) snip a tiny bit from the point of the paper bag and squeezing gently mark a cross on each bun. If you are using a plastic bag squeeze the batter into one corner and secure it with a twist wire tie, snip a tiny hole at the pointed end and mark out the crosses as above.

Bake the buns for about 10 minutes. They will sound hollow when you tap them underneath.

For the glaze (optional): Put the sugar and water in a small saucepan.

Dissolve the sugar then boil the syrup for about 2 minutes. Brush the warm glaze on the hot buns as they come out of the oven. Cool on wire trays.

These buns will freeze well. Do this as soon as they cool down.

Converted by MC_Buster.

Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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