Lefsa (norwegian potato bread)

Yield: 1 Servings

Measure Ingredient
3 cups Instant Hungry Jack mashed potatoes
1 teaspoon Salt
¼ cup Margarine
1 cup Milk
1 cup Flour
\N \N Butter and brown sugar to taste

Melt margarine and salt in 1 cup boiling water. Pour mixture over potatoes and stir. Add 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of flour; stir together, then cool in the refrigerator. Roll into golf ball size balls, then roll out thin. Cook in hot griddle (lightly oiled). Brown lightly on both sides. Roll up with butter and brown sugar inside (other fillings may be substituted).

Recipe by: Cookbook USA

Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #499 by Gerald Edgerton <jerrye@...> on Mar 04, 1997.

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