Gloucester cheese stew

4 Servings


Quantity Ingredient
1 pounds Potatoes
2 cups Buttermilk
½ teaspoon Salt
3 mediums Onions; chopped
12 ounces Double Gloucester cheese; grated
Freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon Crushed dried tarragon
Beer or more buttermilk


Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices. A food processor will help to make really thin slices. If you can get small new potatoes, you could boil them in their jackets and slice them into thicker slices after. Season the buttermilk with salt and cook the potatoes in it until they are almost tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 350 F and butter a 2 quart casserole. Spoon a layer of potatoes into the casserole, strew with half the onions and cheese and pepper to taste, and repeat, short of the last layer of cheese. Sprinkle the tarragon over the last layer of onions, then top everthing with the rest of the cheese. Pour beer or more buttermilk in at the side of the dish until the mixture is moistened but not afloat. Bake for 1¼ hours, until tender inside and crusty on top. Serves 4.

Author's comment: This is really a variation on scalloped potatoes.

Source: The Betty Jane Wylie Cheese Cookbook, 1984. p. 112 Recipe by: Betty Jane Wylie

Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Mardi Desjardins <amdesjar@...> on Feb 8, 1998

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