How to freeze fresh herbs

1 servings


Quantity Ingredient



You can preserve them for up to 1 year by following our simple tips.

The flavor remains wonderfully fresh, though you may notice a slightly softer texture in the leaves. These herbs freeze and retain their flavors well: Basil, Chives, Dill, Marjoram, Mint, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Tarragon and Thyme. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS-Wash and pat herbs dry on paper towel. If you are freezing basil*, mint, oregano, parsley or sage, remove the leaves from stems. Freeze chervil, dill, marjoram, rosemary, savor, tarragon and thyme on their stems. Package herbs with care in plastic freezer bags or containers; do not crowd packages to prevent crushing herbs. Place herb bags in frreezer on top of heavier containers or place all your herbs in their individual bags in 1 large plastic container to protect them.

Label all packages with herb name and date. Freeze up to 1 year.

*Basil leaves tend to discolor, so before you freeze them, place in boiling water for 2 seconds, then rinse in cold water. Pat leaves dry. Freeze as directed. Submitted By DIANE LAZARUS On 06-19-95

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