Hummus -1

Yield: 1 servings

Measure Ingredient
⅓ cup Lemon juice
2 tablespoons Olive oil
¼ cup Sesame seeds; * see note
2 \N Cl Garlic; peeled
½ teaspoon Ground cumin
½ teaspoon Salt
¼ teaspoon Fresh ground black pepper
¼ teaspoon Cayenne pepper
2 \N Parsley
19 ounces Chickpeas; rinsed and draine

Recipe by: Patricia Williams <PIE@...> * You may use a little less than ¼ cup of tahini in place of the sesame seeds. I'd also cut out the additional 2 teaspoon of olive oil in the first step of the recipe if using tahini.

Place 2 Tbs. lemon juice, 1 Tbs. plus 2 teaspoon olive oil, sesame seeds, garlic cloves and spices in food processor or blender and process until slightly thick and smooth. Add chick peas and the remaining lemon jiuce and process until smooth. Transfer to a serving bowl and drizzle with remaining olive oil. Refrigerate 1-2 hours to allow flavors to blend. Serve with pita bread or pita chips**.

**For homemade pita chips, cut pita bread in half (I prefer whole wheat), then separate with your fingers so you have 4 half-moon shaped pieces from each whole pita. Brush both sides lightly with olive oil or melted butter, sprinkle with sesame seeds, garlic powder, whatever your fancy, bake at 350 for around 10 minutes or until crisp.

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