Sheepshead timbales

1 Servings


Quantity Ingredient
4 Eggs
2 cups Milk
1 teaspoon Salt
teaspoon Pepper
2 cups Fish, cooked, boned, minced


Beat the eggs slightly; add the salt, pepper and milk and mix well.

Add the fish and mix. Fill well-greased custard cups or timbale-molds ⅔ full. Set in a pan of hot water and bake in a SLOW OVEN (300 degrees F) for about 1 hour, or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Run a knife around the the edge of the timbale and turn out on a hot platter. Fill the center of the platter with any of the following sauces: pimiento, creole, white, curry or tomato. NOTE: Timbales may be varied by substituting green peas or finely chopped carrots or other vegetable for ½ the fish. Generalized fish recipe made specific for Sheepshead Source: FISHES AND FISHING IN LOUISIANA published 1933 Recipe date: 01/17/33

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