Ancient roman: home-made sweet dish or french toast

4 servings


Quantity Ingredient
\"Dulcia Domestica\"
4 Eggs
1 cup Milk
8 slices White bread crusts removed (opt)


Apicius's original recipe, translated by J.D. Vehling: Break fine white bread, crust removed, into rather large pieces which soak in milk [and beaten eggs], fry in oil, cover with honey and serve.

Modern version: Beat eggs and milk together. Dip bread in batter. Fry in hot skillet, turning after each side browns. Serve hot with warmed honey. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.

Per serving (without honey): 235 calories, 12 g protein, 26 g carbohydrates, 9 g fat, 3 g saturated fat, 221 mg cholesterol, 329 mg sodium.

Source: Kurt A. Nemes, "The Oldest Living Cookbook," The Washington Post FOOD Section, 9/14/94. Typed by Linda Howard.

From: Linda Howard Date: 09-15-94

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