Hot bald peanuts

1 Servings


Quantity Ingredient
See instructions


One of my sister's field hands does it this way (Alabama style) This recipe uses fresh field peanuts, raw in the shell, about 2 days after the peanut picker has dug them out of the ground. In a 32 quart pressure cooker, fill half way with raw peanuts[in the shell]. Add ¼ cup Oldbay type seasoning, ¼ cup crushed red pepper, then cover with salted water [about ½ cup salt/gal]. Put the lid on, making sure that the gasket is sound and the vent clear.

Heat on a jet burner (a High BTU propane stove) heat rapidly to boil and when the steams is coming out strong through the vent hole, put the jiggler on 10 pounds, back off on the fire and cook 12-15 minutes at pressure.

Turn off the heat and set the whole thing in a tub of cold water. When the pressure drops, strain out the peanuts and let cool a bit and eat.

They are good hot (hard to peel), pretty good cold - probably should be made a little less salted for health reasons. They are not good keepers! They will get slimey in 2 days out the frig and within a week in the frig.

He makes them up and sell them at the curb side on the weekends - 5 or 6 kettles full each day a plastic sandwich bag full at a time for $1.00 each.

Business is good enough that he is adding a second cooker and burner next year. He sells out nearly every day of his full production.

Posted to CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V4 #182 by YODA <yoda@...> on Nov 3, 1997

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