Hummus (manton)

Yield: 1 Servings

Measure Ingredient
1 cup Mashed/pureed chickpeas
\N \N (+/-)
2 tablespoons Tahini (optional, sort of)
4 \N To 5 cloves crushed/chopped
\N \N Garlic
\N x Lemon juice to taste
\N \N (depending on how sour you
\N \N Like it)

Everyone has their own preference for the particular formula of tahini/garlic/'ll have to experiment to find your perfect blend.

Mash/blend everything all up together, then scoop up/eat with strips of fresh pita bread, celery, green pepper, carrot, zucchini, whathaveyou.

You *can* make it without the tahini, but it doesn't taste nearly as good. you can keep the tahini down to a minimum, and add extra garlic and lemon juice for can also put the tahini in a cup to sit for awhile, until the oil separates and floats to the top. you can then skim off the oil and use the remaining nut butter in the recipe. it will still contain some oil and fat, but not as much. you may need to mix a little water or lemon juice into the tahini to liquify it a bit before mixing it into the chickpea mash.

From: Kim Manton <antwerp@...>. Fatfree Digest [Volume 9 Issue 35] July 26, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@... using MMCONV

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