Roast wallaby

6 People


Quantity Ingredient
1 Wallaby


In winter the animal may be hung for some days, as a hare, which it resembles, but in summer it must, like all other flesh be cooked very soon after it is killed. Cut off the hind legs at the first joints and after skinning and paunching, let it lie in water for a little to draw out the blood. Make a good veal forcemeat and after well washing the inside of the wallaby, stuff it and sew it up. Truss as a hare and roast before a bright clear fire from 1¼ to 1 ¾ hours, according to size. It must be kept some distance from the fire when first put down, or the outside will be too dry before the inside is done. Baste well, first with milk and then with butter and when nearly done dredge with flour and baste again with butter until nicely frothed.

From " A Taste of the Past - Some Pioneer Cooks of Happy Valley and the Southern Hills" - South Australia Typed by Vicki Crawford

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