Seder fresh-cooked carrots

1 Servings

Quantity Ingredient
1 pack (1-lb) frozen baby carrots, unthawed*
1 tablespoon Pesach parev margarine, cut into little bits (up to 2)
1 tablespoon Honey (up to 3)
Salt, optional
Ground Ginger to taste

Method. Just before the Seder mix all the ingredients together in a cassarole or other coverable ovenproof pan. During the first part of the Seder bake it in a 350-425 F oven covered. It needs at least 45 minutes.

During the Seder meal, serve and eat.

* I think you could use fresh "lazy-man" small carrots instead of the frozen, but I have never happened to try it. The timing for uncooked carrots and unthawed frozed carots should be about the same.

This dish is much lighter that a traditional Tsimiss(sp?). You can even adjust it for diabetics by using an artificial sweetener if you can find one for Pesach, or cook the diabetic prtion separately without the honey.

(it is still good that way) Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest V97 #081 by "W.

Baker" <wbaker@...> on Mar 9, 1997

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