Hot mango souffl‚s

8 servings


Quantity Ingredient
7 ounces Kumquats or about 30 kumquats
½ pint Orange juice
4 tablespoons Cointreau
2 cans Mango
4 Eggs
2 tablespoons Granulated or caster sugar
¼ Single cream


Preheat the oven to 190C. You will need 8-10 ramekin dishes. Slice kumquats and put in a saucepan with orange juice and Cointreau. Bring to the boil and allow to simmer for 40 minutes to reduce.

Separate eggs, put whites in a large bowl and put yolks in a food processor or liquidizer with drained mango, cream and sugar. Process until smooth .

Whisk egg whites until stiff and fold into mango mixture. put into ramekins and either cook immediately for 25 minutes and serve with sauce or freeze uncooked.

May be prepared up to this point the day before and the souffl‚s may be frozen before cooking.

Cook souffl‚s from frozen - put in oven for 35 minutes and serve immediately. Re heat sauce over gentle heat for 5 minutes or in microwave for 3 minutes and serve with souffl‚s.

The souffl‚s will sink quite quickly once they have been taken out of the oven. Don't linger between the oven and table.

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