J.meyer's auth hungarian cucumber salad w/sou
1 Qt
Quantity | Ingredient | |
4 | Cucumbers | |
1 | small | Clove of garlic |
1 | teaspoon | Suger |
¼ | teaspoon | Salt |
¼ | cup | Good vinegar (not red) |
¾ | cup | Real sour cream |
If | you try one of my recipes please tell me what you think. | |
E-Mail me at: june4@interaccess.com |
This cucumber salad is by far one of the most delicious and refreshing salads you can eat. It has a wonderful cucumber flavor that is enhanced by the garlic and sour cream. Originally this was a summer salad to accompany roast meat or chicken dishes. Now that we have cucumbers available all year round we can enjoy this dish all year.
I use a slaw slicer to slice the cucumber thinly enough to see through! As a child I always enjoyed peeling and then grooving the cucumbers with the tines of a fork before my mother would slice them.
I loved the refreshing cool cucumber spray that would mist my face.
Regards, June Meyer.
Peel cukes. Drag fork tines down length of peeled cucumbers to create long groves that will look very nice when you slice cucumbers very, very thin. Put in mixing bowl.
Peel and chop clove of garlic. Add Salt and suger slices. Mix in sour cream. Add vinegar (I like to use "Marukan seasoned gourmet Rice Vinegar" orange label) and toss well, I use my hands, till cucumbers slices and sour cream are all frothy and foamy.
Place in serving dish and sprinkle a little paprika on top for decoration, and serve well chilled.
This will stay good in refridgerator for a few days. Serves 4. WALT
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