Rehabbed cheese coney

1 Serving


Quantity Ingredient
1 Fat-free hot dog
1 Hot dog bun
¾ teaspoon Prepared mustard
¼ cup Rehabbed Cincinnati chili; (see next recipe)
¾ ounce Finely shredded low-fat; (5 fat grams per ounce) cheddar cheese


Cook hot dog according to package directions and place in bun. Spread mustard on hot dog and top with chili; cover with cheese. Makes 1 serving.

Per rehabbed cheese coney: 238 calories and 7 fat grams (restaurant cheese coneys contain 291-350 calories and 16-24 fat grams).

Recipe Rehab is compiled by Karen Weber, Pat Streicher and Ellen Illig, registered dietitians at the Jewish Hospital Cholesterol Center, Cincinnati, OH

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