Vegetable spaghetti sauce ff (rbfv65a)

6 servings,


Quantity Ingredient
-Jim Kessler
Dry white wine
2 Carrots; slice thin
1 large Red pepper; chop
1 large Green pepper; chop
1 cup Cauliflower; chop
1 Celery stalk; chop
1 large Onion; chop
1 cup Broccoli; chop
Garlic; lots, mince
2 cans Tomatoes; ground, 48 oz
2 cans Tomato paste
Basil; fresh best
Rosemary; pulverize
Oregano; not too much
Cilantro; or It. parsley for the faint-of-heart
Dry red wine; something with lotsa body
Chicken base; or salt
Black pepper
Hot red pepper flakes; or Tabasco


Have all the vegetables ready to cook - chopped and in containers.

Pour about 1 oz of white wine in a large lined pot. When wine is boiling, dump in carrots and stir vigorously. Allow bottom to become a little dry then add a small amount of wine. Continue until carrots begin to soften then add each of the other ingredients in turn until all are in pot. Add small amounts of wine as necessary, but allow bottom to become somewhat dry without burning. Remember to keep STIRRING! Add the garlic last but allow to cook for only about 30 seconds. After all vegetables are in pot, add tomatoes and tomato paste. It is possible to buy GROUND canned tomatoes, if not, no big loss. Wash out cans with a quantity of red wine and add to pot. Add basil, rosemary - ground in spice mill, a little oregano, the cilantro, chicken base - or bouillon cubes - black pepper and red pepper, stir cover pot and turn heat down until sauce is barely boiling. Cook until vegetables are tender and then run through food mill to puree. Return to pot. Bring barely to boil, adjust seasonings, cover and heat for about one half hour. Pour over your spaghetties and mangia! Save some of the red wine to go with the spaghetties. :

D/L from Prodigy 12-8-94. Recipe collection of Sue Smith.


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