Salsa de chile rojo

10 servings


Quantity Ingredient
4 eaches chiles anchos
2 eaches tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 each onion, chopped
1 each clove garlic, chopped
6 eaches sprigs cilantro, chopped
1 tablespoon oil
1 dash salt, pepper
½ teaspoon sugar
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon wine vinegar


For touch of fire, add 6 crumbled chile pequin. Soak anchos in warm water to barely cover for 30 mins. Drain and puree with tomatoes, onion and garlic in food processor or blender. Heat oil in skillet and cook 5 mins.

stirring constantly. Add cilantro, seasoning and sugar and cool. Stir in olive oil and vinegar. Makes 2 cups.

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