Meat loaf stuffed with ham and parsley frittata

1 servings


Quantity Ingredient
½ large Beef bouillon cube; or 1 small one,
; dissolved in 1-1/2
; cups hot water
4 ounces Shredded stale white bread; (crust removed)
3 pounds Mixed lean ground beef and pork; or 3 pounds lean
; ground beef
1 medium Onion; grated
3 ounces Sun-dried tomatoes; chopped
teaspoon Salt
¾ teaspoon Freshly ground black pepper
2 Eggs; beaten
1 teaspoon Fresh marjoram; or 1/2 teaspoon
; dried marjoram
2 tablespoons Grated Parmesan cheese
1 Egg
2 teaspoons Chopped fresh Italian parsley
1 Pinches salt; Freshly ground
; black pepper to
; taste
½ teaspoon Butter or olive oil
4 slices Boiled ham; regular thickness
1 tablespoon Lightly toasted bread crumbs




Preheat an oven to 350 degrees. Soak the bread in the stock, then squeeze it dry, reserving the bouillon cube liquid for later. Shred the dampened bread and combine it with the remaining ingredients for the polpettone mixture. Use your hands to distribute the ingredients well.

Now make the frittatine. In a small bowl, beat the egg with the parsley, salt, and pepper. Heat the oil in a 9-inch omelet pan or frying pan. Add half of the egg mixture, allowing it to cover the surface of the pan entirely. When it is set, about 30 seconds, flip it or turn it with a spatula and allow it to set on the reverse side, about 15 seconds. Transfer it to a plate and make the second frittatine. Transfer it to the plate also and allow the frittatine to cool for several minutes. Meanwhile, scatter the bread crumbs on an approximate 12" x 18" work surface. Spread the meat mixture on the crumb covered surface, using your hands to form a rectangle about 12 inches wide, 18 inches long, and not more than ½-inch thick (if it is too thick, it will be difficult to roll up). Cover the rectangle with the ham slices, then with the frittatine, laying them side-by side to cover the whole surface of the meat mixture. Roll it closed lengthwise in jellyroll fashion so that a long, narrow sausage-like loaf is formed.

Place the polpettone in an ungreased baking dish and add half of the reserved bouillon cube liquid to the pan. Place it on the middle rack of the oven and bake for 50 minutes, adding the remaining bouillon cube liquid after 15 minutes. Baste it several times during baking with the pan juices, adding a little more water if the pan juices seem to be drying up-no more than a tablespoon or two, if any, should be necessary.

There should be sufficient juice in the baking pan to keep the meatloaf moist, and to guarantee pan juices at serving time. 15 minutes before the meat is cooked, add the wine to the pan. When done, remove the polpettone from the oven and allow it to settle for 15 minutes before cutting it into slices. The wine-fortified pan juices can be drizzled over the slices.

Yield: 15 to 18 servings

Converted by MC_Buster.

Recipe by: CHEF DU JOUR SHOW #DJ9213 - JULIA DELLA CROCE Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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