Pickled horseradish sauce

2 Half-pints


Quantity Ingredient
2 cups Freshly grated horseradish (2 cups = 3/4 pound)
1 cup White vinegar (5 percent)
½ teaspoon Canning or pickling salt
¼ teaspoon Powdered ascorbic acid


Yield: About 2 half-pints

Procedure: The pungency of fresh horseradish fades within 1 to 2 months, even when refrigerated. Therefore, make only small quantities at a time. Wash horseradish roots thoroughly and peel off brown outer skin. The peeled roots may be grated in a food processor or cut into small cubes and put through a food grinder. Combine ingredients and fill into sterile jars, leaving ¼-inch headspace. Seal jars tightly and store in a refrigerator.

======================================================= === * USDA Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539 (rev. 1994) * Meal-Master format courtesy of Karen Mintzias

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